miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017



Since we got our Barrett 2050 transceiver we feel we are blessed. 

First, because it is the best existing HF transceiver and we were very lucky to find it in a local radio club flea market.

Second, because the Barrett Technical support is very useful, friendly, responsive and efficient, they attended our call for help and assisted us to put our 2050 fully operational -we got it used second hand not working good, now it works 100% perfect.

Third, because Barrett paid attention and interest on our humanitarian aid organization and actions we do in favor of the people affected by natural disasters in our country. Barrett supported our actions by donating a 2019 Automatic Tuning Antenna and other accesories and harware to improve the setup and operation of our 2050 unit. 

Fourth, because we feel thankful and proud of being involved in Barrett's marketing tools. It is a proven fact Barrett Comunications is company with a serious commitment with the humanitarian aid if favor of humankind, not only in Peru but everywhere else where communication aid is needed.

Thanks a lot Barrett.
God bless you all!

See the article by Barrett about Unidad 4x4 de Ayuda here: 

HF Radio assisting disaster relief in Peru

Barrett Communications website: 

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